The Importance of a Cash Cushion

4 years ago

The economy was great going in to corona It seems like it was just yesterday that everyone was driving to…

Money is Just a Game (Money Mindset)

A Tough Subject to Write on I wrestled with whether or not to write this article for a long while.…

4 years ago

Low-Cost ETFs: An Explainer

Investing in financial instruments used to be an expensive endeavor. First, you’d go to a stockbroker with a pile of…

4 years ago

Solo 401(k) vs SEP IRA

Chances are if you're reading this you are one of two types of people. You're either someone who is considering…

4 years ago

Smart Money Habits for Beginner Entrepreneurs

Not everyone is designed to work a typical 9-5. And this desire to break out of being under a corporation…

4 years ago

A coronavirus Thought Experiment #10

Background Like many of the readers on this site I’ve spent the vast majority of my time on my fire…

4 years ago

Cooking Your Own Food for Big Savings

Why Everyone Should Cook This should be a no brainer and probably shouldn't need so much attention but unfortunately, it…

5 years ago

An Introduction to the 3 Fund Portfolio

Background on the 3 Fund Portfolio The 3 fund portfolio is a book that I am taking from the bogle…

5 years ago

How to Embrace Frugal Living

Living Frugally isn't easy. However, if you are truly determined to make the switch, you are sure to find it…

5 years ago

Living In An RV in 2020 – Save Money And Crush Debt

There are lots of reasons to consider living in an RV. The best one in my opinion, is that it's…

5 years ago