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New To NinjaBudgeter? You’re In The Right Place

If this is your fist time to NinjaBudgeter, welcome!

Below you will find links to some of my best personal finance content.

Whether you’re trying to dig your way out of debt, save money or make some extra cash, there’s something for you here.

So pick an article that speaks to you and jump right in!

Want to get out of debt but don’t know how?

You have dreams. Maybe you want to have a family, travel, start a business or something else entirely. There’s just one thing holding you back…debt. It’s not just you, most of us have wrestled with debt at some point. The good news? You can get out, and stay out of debt.

Here are my best articles about debt:

How To Get Out Of A Car Loan – So you signed on the dotted line and now you regret it? If your car payment is dragging you down, it is possible to get out.

I Spent $11,000 On A Pilot License While I Was Still In Debt (And I’d Do It Again) – You don’t necessarily have to put your dreams on hold while paying off debt.

How To Make It As A One-Income Family – Whether you’re in debt or not, being in a family with a sole-breadwinner is tough. Here’s how we’ve been able to make it work.

Want to learn how to save more money?

Feel like your budget is stretched as far as it can go? You need to find some new ways to save money.

Below are my best articles on saving money:

How To Automate Your Finances To Help You Save Money – Learn the system of financial management that has helped my family get control of our money.

26 Budget Hacks To Keep Your Finances On Track – An incredibly useful list of pro budgeting tips. I guarantee there’s something here that you have never tried before.

7 Ways To Lower Your Electricity Bill – Learn why your electricity bill is so freaking high and what to do about it.

25 Things You Should NEVER Pay Full Price For – There’s a deal to be had on everything. Here are 25 things that you can get a better deal on.

Why I Drive A $500 Car – I have driven cheap cars for most of my adult life. I now have a half-decent Honda Civic but this post explains how driving an inexpensive car can help you save money.

Need to make more money?

We could all use a little more money right? Sometimes even a couple hundred dollars more per month could make a huge difference when it comes to paying down debt or saving for a big purchase or retirement.

Here are my best articles about making more money:

How To Make $500 Fast – 21+ Ways To Make Extra Cash This Week – If you need money fast, read this post now. There’s something here for almost everybody.

How I Made $10,000 Selling Appliances On Craigslist – This is my most successful side hustle. Almost anybody can do it and it’s possible to start making hundreds of dollars within a couple of days.

Extreme Side Hustle – My $100 Blogging Challenge – Follow along as I try to make my first $100 from this blog!

9 Side Hustles That Have Made Me Money – These aren’t just ideas. I have actually made cold hard cash from each and every one of these.

Want To Start Your Own Blog?

If you want to start a blog of your own, check out my $100 challenge series. There’s some really useful information for new bloggers.

Extreme Side Hustle – My $100 Blogging Challenge

Are you looking for a step-by-step guide to starting your own site? I have not written one yet so I’ll link you up to one of the best guides I know of over at MillennialMoneyMan.

How To Start A WordPress Blog On Bluehost