One of the first things that you’re going to want to do when you decide to get your finances in order is develop a plan for paying off debt. Your debt might seem insurmountable but many have gone before you and paid down tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.
I try to write a lot of content about paying off debt to help you find ways to maximize your income, minimize your bills and put as much money as you possibly can onto the principal of your debt.
You will find a wide variety of ideas here but I’m always looking for new ideas on how to pay off debt quickly. If there is something specific you would like me to cover in an article please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through my contact page.
Here are a few of my top articles about paying off debt:
If you need to get rid of a car payment, I feel you. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I’ve actually been through this twice… *facepalm*
The day you financed your new car, it probably felt like a great idea.
Do you remember the new car smell? That was probably part of what drew you in. That mixed with a savvy salesman and the alluring idea of years of maintenance-free driving.
For me it’s a time full of potential and reflection. I really enjoy making new goals and taking stock of what I did and didn’t accomplish the previous year.
I usually try to use the opportunity to reflect on my shortcomings and think about how I can achieve more this year.
Let’s face it, for most of us, our mortgage (or rent) is likely the most expensive thing that we pay for every month.
Finding a way to live mortgage free is a dream for most of us chipping away at balances well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just think about the opportunities that would open up for you if you didn’t have to shovel over hundreds or thousands of dollars per month for a mortgage payment.
It is possible, and many people are doing it. I decided to research some of the best ways to live mortgage free or at a reduced cost, and compile my findings into one great resource.
The thing is, you don’t necessarily need to sell your home or pay it off to get rid of a mortgage payment, you could create the same financial freedom by finding another way to cover your payments. I’ve included some ideas for how to accomplish this below.