The Importance of a Cash Cushion

The economy was great going in to corona It seems like it was just yesterday that everyone was driving to work, rush hour was in full effect, and everything was functioning like normal. The economy was doing great, unemployment was at a low point, and everyone was planning their summer vacations. Now the streets are … Keep Reading

How to Embrace Frugal Living

Living Frugally isn’t easy. However, if you are truly determined to make the switch, you are sure to find it rewarding! You’re going to have to cut back on expenses, move some money around, and acclimate to a different “normal.” Take it slow, make baby steps, and never doubt your progress. Have patience with both with yourself and the process, and you’ll be living a happy and frugal life in no time!

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45+ Ways To Cut From Your Budget (When There’s Nothing Left To Cut)

how to cut from your budgetShortly after my wife and I were married in 2009 (we just had our 10th anniversary last week :), we found ourselves in a tight spot financially. I was laid off from work, she wasn’t making enough to support our lifestyle and we were in deep financial trouble.

There are few things that will humble a person like looking down the barrel of not being able to pay rent in a months time. Something needed to change.

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What To Do When You’re Behind On Bills

Want to know what to do when you’re behind on bills? I’ve been there! Keep reading for some helpful ideas for how to get back on track.

What to do when you're behind on bills and can't catch upThe year was 2009, and I was drowning. Not literally, I was drowning in debt. I was newly married with student loans, credit card debt and my personal favorite, a $25,000 loan for a pickup truck I didn’t need.

I was barely keeping my head above water when I got laid off from my job. Not permanently, but for the winter as there was no work. Deep in debt with no work, it wasn’t long before I realized that I couldn’t make my car payment the next month. I was going to start falling behind on bills and didn’t know what to do. I was in major trouble.

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Common Millennial Money Traps (And How To Avoid Them)

Millennial Money Traps

Are you stuck in these millennial money traps?

We millennials don’t have the most pristine reputation when it come to managing money. The reality is that for many of us, the reputation is well-earned. There are more millennial money traps out there than ever before. We live in a time when access to pretty much anything we could ever want is a just a credit application away.

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15 Things You’re Probably Forgetting To Budget For

things you're forgetting to budget for

Getting on a budget is absolutely essential for your financial well-being. There is no better way to keep track of how you’re spending the money that you make. Budgeting helps you prioritize the things that you really need to pay for, and the things that you want most.

But even pro budgeters sometimes miss things that should be in their budget. In this article, I’m going to walk through 15 things that are commonly missed when putting together a budget. Make sure you’re budgeting for these expenses!

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Buy It For Life – 11 Expensive Things That Are Totally Worth It

things that are worth spending good money onI like the dollar store as much as the next guy. Some things are just better bought super-cheap. Napkins and plastic cutlery are a couple of good examples.

Most of us want to use our money wisely, but that doesn’t mean always buying the cheapest version of everything. Sometimes, the cheapest thing that you can buy will cost you more in the long run. There are times where it makes more sense to invest some extra and buy a higher quality item that will last longer and add more value to your life.

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The Complete Guide To A Zero Based Budget

zero based budgetDo you feel like your financial situation is hopeless? Are you unsure where your money is actually going?

If you’re struggling with money, the first thing that you should do is get yourself on a zero based budget.

Budget? Most of us are excited to budget like we’re excited to stop barefoot on Lego when we get up to pee at 2am.

Take a deep breath, and stick with me. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, you could write up a simple budget on a piece of paper on your lunch break.

In my opinion, the best system is zero-based budgeting. Whether you’re using plastic or cash, it’s the simplest way to get your spending on-track.

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Are Expensive Shoes Worth It?

Buy nice or buy twice

– My Mother (probably….I can’t remember)

are expensive shoes worth it?Are expensive shoes worth it? That’s the question I’m going to dig into today. Being a cheapa$$, I’m always looking for an excuse to spend less on things so naturally, I’m not stoked about buying premium kicks.

A couple of weeks ago I finally wore a hole through my foam-heeled $50 specials from Payless Shoes. Annoyed with having to go to the mall again so soon after Christmas, I turned to the internet and started researching cheap shoes vs. expensive shoes. I’ve always wanted a good set of leather boots, and I figured it was time to find out if expensive shoes are worth it.

The thing is, I tend to be pretty thrifty when buying for myself. While I’m happy to dole out the money to buy nicer things for my wife and children (when we can afford it), it’s hard for me to give myself the same treatment. I’m not sure why. 

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26 Budgeting Hacks That Will Save You Money

budgeting hacksGetting your family on a budget can be really hard. Keeping your family on a budget is even harder! Over the years I’ve learned lots of budgeting hacks to help my family stay on track.

This blog is all about helping parents win with their money by getting out of debt and saving their cash. Below are some of the best budgeting hacks that I know of. Some of these tips are things that we do in our household and some are things that our friends to to stay on budget.

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